Arc, Line, Polylines are can be selected to find intersections. Using Find intersections lisps it is possible to find the intersection points of multiple lines in a single command.

Finding Intersection points of multiple lines takes time and if arc is present in those lines, it becomes more complex. This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. Using this free lisp arc or circles can be converted into similar shape made of smaller segments of straight lines.) When exporting polyline data to other software’s also sometimes if arc is present in the polyline, it will be difficult to export. Many a lisp programs will fail when arc is present in the polyline segment. With this 'Measure Line' free lisp, by giving single command, all the sides of the boundary will be measured.(Measure each segment of selected poly line.)Ĭonvert arc or Circle into a set of line Segment (This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. Doing this using normal AutoCAD techniques will take a lot of time, particularly when there are many segments in the polyline. After creating Survey boundary, it is common practice to measure length of each segment of the boundary and put a text along the segment indicating the length of that side. Using this Free lisp it is possible to Export X (Easting), Y (Northing) and Z (Elevation) Co-ordinates of each of the vertices of a selected polyline into a Comma Separated (CSV) File.( Export point data (X, Y and Z) of Each Vertex of the selected plines to a CSV File) The coordinates of each vertex of the polyline may be required for many reasons. If there is a polyline in the drawing, say an alignment line representing road. Program to Import Serial Number, Elevation, & Code from Files wherein the Point Data (Downloaded from Total Station or GPS) is stored in CSV (Comma Separated Value) Format, Necessarily in following Order Program to Export X (Easting), Y (Northing) and Z (Elevation) of the selected text along with the Text Content to CSV File